BlueMall: A Bluetooth-based Advertisement System for Commercial Areas.

Recently, research for context-aware systems has risen signifiantly. New social needs require the use of brand new technology to build rich ubiquitous computing spaces. Such spaces allow users to use services without being aware of any interaction with the system. For such an important and ded- icated task, some context awareness is needed so computers, based on their environment, can react accordingly. Adver- tising on mobile devices is one of this new needs and has demonstrated to have a large potential due to the very per- sonal and intimate nature of the devices and the possibility of reaching a broad range of targets. In this paper we present BlueMall, a context-aware pervasive system for advertising in large commercial areas. BlueMall uses Java and Blue- tooth wireless technology making it a very portable system. We describe the overall architecture and discuss the imple- mentation steps taken to build our application. To evaluate the performance behavior of our system in relation to the en- vironment, we run some experiments in our testbed in order to receive detailed performance information. Experimental results show that the system provides a viable solution for permission-based mobile advertising.